Guided by Code: The Unseen Algorithms Shaping Your Day

Guided by Code: The Unseen Algorithms Shaping Your Day
Photo by Growtika / Unsplash

In a technology-driven world, a multitude of tiny AI companions seamlessly anchor onto each individual, guiding day-to-day activities. Whether you're aware or not, this post delves into the subtle presence of AI, exploring how it quietly becomes our companion in the most mundane aspects of everyday life.

Firstly, what is AI?

Well, that's a tough question to sum up in a short sentence, but in layman's terms:

Artificial intelligence, or AI, refers to machines' ability to imitate human behavior. It's the ability to grant computers the capability to learn from experiences, understand natural languages, recognize human patterns, and make decisions based on these findings. In simpler terms, AI enables machines to perform tasks typically requiring human-level intelligence, such as problem-solving, learning, planning, and, more recently, understanding and predicting human emotions and feelings. Essentially, AI strives to make machines smart, enabling them to handle complex tasks and adapt to new situations without explicit programming. It's the science of making computers think and act like us, creating a bridge between the digital world and the capabilities of the human mind.

In the new digital age, artificial intelligence functions as an invisible architecture, quietly molding the structure and organization of our daily experiences. From personalized recommendations to intelligent content adjustments, AI's influences are subtle yet profound, impacting almost every facet of our lives.

Follow along as we run through a typical day for an average human:

The day kicks off at 7 a.m., warmly greeted by your gentle alarm. No snooze today – you're up and into the rhythm of the day. With a glance at your phone, FaceID unlocks a glimpse into today's agenda. A quick coffee fix transforms the mundane into an eagerly anticipated ritual, followed by a sweet good morning text to your partner.
School or work is a breeze, made better by connecting your headphones and putting on your favorite tunes. Quick calendar check - Noon brings a delightful city lunch with an old friend. Back to work before driving home through rush hour traffic.
Back home, you don the chef's hat, creating dinner with a recipe discovered on Instagram. Simultaneously, jamming to random playlist on spotify. The day winds down with a beloved show from your favorite streaming service, marking a perfect ending to your day.

Unbeknownst to you, your day has been entirely accompanied by AI.

Let's dive in:


Released initially in 2017 with the iPhone X, Face ID provides a seamless method for unlocking your iPhone device. This process involves illuminating your face and utilizing over 25,000 small infrared dots to create a detailed facial map. The captured image is then transmitted to the machine learning algorithm (AI) to compare it with the facial data stored on your device. The security level offered by Face ID is unparalleled; when compared to a 4-digit password with a 1 in 10,000 chance of guessing correctly, Apple claims that Face ID presents a 1 in 1,000,000 chance of unauthorized access. 

a man wearing a face mask while looking at a cell phone
Photo by Matoo.Studio / Unsplash

Texting Your Partner

Every morning, you awaken with thoughts of the individual with whom you share that special connection. Rest assured, your device is also aware of this person and anticipates your interactions. In recent years, deep-learning models have been gradually integrated into user devices to predict user actions and assist them in mundane tasks. Within your device resides a small AI, facilitating your morning routine with your partner. As you type the letter "G" on your QWERTY keyboard, the device intuitively predicts the remainder of the word and the subsequent one, seamlessly aiding you in sending that “Good Morning Sweetheart” text.

text, icon
Photo by kuu akura / Unsplash

Connecting Your Headphones

Your device excels in anticipating your next move, even going as far as predicting your preferred applications based on specific actions. For instance, when you plug in your headphones, it anticipates whether you're inclined to open YouTube to search for your favorite podcast or assumes you might be a Spotify user. Initially, Apple devices may display a bias, favoring Apple Music; however, after a few learning iterations, the AI showcases its adaptability by eventually suggesting Spotify.

white apple airpods charging case
Photo by John Smit / Unsplash

Quick Calendar Check 

Ever connected your phone to your car and marveled at how Maps seems to intuitively know your destination? Surprise, it's the magic of AI working in your favor once again. The calendar update featuring a planned lunch with your friend serves as all the information Maps needs to anticipate your next location. Not only is the restaurant you're heading to your favorite spot, but you've also frequented it multiple times before. Whether you're using Google Maps or Apple Maps, all this data seamlessly communicates with your AI companion, automatically predicting your future location and charting the fastest route to get there. Moreover, if enabled, you're likely to receive a timely notification advising you when to leave to ensure you arrive on time, or which route to take to beat the rush hour traffic.

a person driving a car on a city street
Photo by Prasad Panchakshari / Unsplash

Music Movie Choices

Whether you're in the Apple Music squad or grooving with Spotify, the playlists that greet you on your homepage aren't random luck—they're the handiwork of artificial intelligence (AI). Let's zoom in on Spotify's scene without diving into too much tech jargon.

At the heart of Spotify's magic is reinforcement learning—it's like the AI's way of learning your musical preferences to craft playlists that make perfect sense for YOU. Picture Spotify's AI as your musical detective. It doesn't just skim the surface; it digs into the nitty-gritty details of your listening habits. This digital fingerprint becomes the key to unlocking playlists that resonate with your unique vibe.

Picture this: You're ready to unwind after a long day, and your streaming service magically knows exactly what you want to watch—even when you want to watch it. It's not magic; it's the wizardry of artificial intelligence (AI) at play. And it's not just music; Netflix, Prime, Crave, and a slew of others are in on the game.

Sure, some might raise an eyebrow at the thought of algorithms predicting our watchlist, but for Netflix, it's the AI behind an unparalleled user experience. With over 8,000 shows and movies in its library, AI becomes the perfect guide curating you through the maze. Let's travel back in time to the era of Blockbuster. Imagine walking in, and instead of a few choices, you're bombarded with over 8,000 shows and movies.

Decision anxiety, right?

Google would inevitably become your movie-picking buddy. But with AI, that overwhelming choice turns into a personalized menu, served just for you. It might be overreaching but it allows the streaming experience to become seamless. So, the next time Netflix hits you with a spot-on recommendation, tip your hat to the AI, it probably knows you better than your partner you texted this morning.

Needless to say, whoever you are, wherever you are, you will always have a little covert companion helping you with all your little tastes throughout the day.  

